NCPI FHIR Implementation Guide v2
0.1.0 - ci-build

NCPI FHIR Implementation Guide v2 - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Logical Models

These define data models that represent the domain covered by this implementation guide in more business-friendly terms than the underlying FHIR resources.

Shared Data Model for Aliquot

Shared Data Model for Aliquot

Shared Data Model for Biospecimen Collection

Shared Data Model for Biospecimen Collection

Shared Data Model for Condition

The Shared Data Model for Condition

Shared Data Model for Family Relationship

The Shared Data Model for Family Relationship

Shared Data Model for Family Role

The Shared Data Model for Family Role

Shared Data Model for File

The Shared Data Model for File

Shared Data Model for Research Collection

The Shared Data Model for Research Collection represent various collections of research data including, but not limited, to Consortia, Programs, adhoc collections of Studies and datasets among other types of collections.

Shared Data Model for Research Data Access Policy

The Shared Data Model for Research Data Access Policy represent the various Data Use Agreements that govern a researcher's access and use of research data.

Shared Data Model for Research Participant and Study Mapping

The Shared data model for StudyParticipant

Shared Data Model for Research Participants

The Shared Data Model for Research Participants

Shared Data Model for Research Persons

The Shared data model for Person

Shared Data Model for Research Study

The Shared Data Model for Research Study represents the understanding of what a Research Study is from the context of users and authors of the NCPI FHIR IG.

Shared Data Model for Sample

Shared Data Model for Sample

Shared Data Model for Study Family

The Shared Data Model for Study Family

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

BAM or CRAM file profile

BAM or CRAM file profile

FHIR Profile for NCPI Sample

FHIR Profile for NCPI Sample

Family Relationship

Family Relationship

Gene fusion or gene expression file profile

Gene fusion or gene expression file profile

Linkage for related samples

Linkage for related samples

MAF (Somatic Mutation) file profile

MAF (Somatic Mutation) file profile

NCPI Conditon

Information about a condition related to a research participant




Information about a file related to a research participant

NCPI File Meta Data

Representation of file metadata for NCPI

NCPI Participant

Research oriented patient

NCPI Person


NCPI Research Access Policy

Limitations and/or requirements that define how a user may gain access to a particular set of data.

NCPI Research Collection

Collections of research data including, but not limited, to Consortia, Programs, adhoc collections of Studies and datasets among other types of collections.

NCPI Research Study

The NCPI Research Study FHIR resource represents an individual research effort and acts as a grouper or “container” for that effort’s study participants and their related data files.

NCPI Research Study Group

Grouping subject participation within a research study is helpful to provide definitive lists of participants that fit a specific criteria such as All Participants or Participants From a Particular Consent Group, etc.

NCPI Study Family

Study Family

NCPI Study Participant

Research Study

NCPI biospecimen definition for collected samples

NCPI biospecimen definition for collected samples

NCPI biospecimen definition for non-collected samples

NCPI biospecimen definition for non-collected samples

Proteomics file profile

Proteomics file profile

VCF or gVCF file profile

VCF or gVCF file profile

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Access Policy Description

Descriptive text summarizing the policy restrictions and other details associated with this access provision.

Access Type
Access type code associated with downloads affected by this Access Policy ( open registered controlled )
Access policy

Access Policy Extension

Age at Assertion

Age at Assertion Extension

Age at Last Vital Status Extension

Age at Last Vital Status Extension

Algorithm used to calculate the hash (and size, where applicable)

Algorithm used to calculate the hash (and size, where applicable)

Availability Status of Aliquot

Availability Status of Aliquot

Concentration of the Aliquot

Concentration of the Aliquot

Consanguinity Extension

Extension containing Consanguinity

Family Type Extension

Extension containing Family Type

If present, only those under the specific Access Policy can access the file in this location.

If present, only those under the specific Access Policy can access the file in this location.


A text label accompanied by a code indicating the label type (such as Acronym, subtitle, etc)

Laterality Information

Laterality Information

Laterality Information

Laterality Information

Linkage for related samples

Linkage for related samples

Location Information

Location Information

Person who recorded assertion about participant

Person who recorded assertion about participant

Provides a list of hashes for confirming file transfers

Provides a list of hashes for confirming file transfers

Research Date of Birth Method

Code indicating method of the DOB construction

Research Population

Code describing the population (CDC)

Research Study Acknowledgement

Provides an informative description of acknowledgement expectations for those using data from the research study.

Research Study Associated Party

Sponsors, collaborators, and other parties affiliated with a research study.

Research Study Design

Codes categorizing the type of study such as investigational vs. observational, type of blinding, type of randomization, safety vs. efficacy, etc.

Research Study Result

Link to citations associated with the study's publications.

Research Usage Limitation Disease Code

Coding associated with limitation on what research can be performed this data.

Research Web Link

A URL pointing to a either a research study's website, an online document or other research related site or document.

Spatial Information

Spatial Information

Study Family Description

Free text describing the study family, such as potential inheritance or details about consanguinity

Study Family Focus

Extension containing Family Role

Study Family Focus Extension

Extension containing Study Family Focus

The file format used

The file format used

The size of the file, e.g., in bytes.

The size of the file, e.g., in bytes.

Value of hashing the file

Value of hashing the file

Version of the contents of the file

Version of the contents of the file

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Assertion of Condition Codes
Collection Type

Enumerated list of Collection types

Conditon Codes

Includes all codes from HPO and MONDO

Consanguinity Value Codes

List of codes indicates the level of known consanguinity (blood relation) within a study family.

Enumerations for how DOB was constructed

Enumerations for how DOB was constructed

Enumerations for the EDAM ontology

Enumerations for the EDAM ontology

Family Types Codes

A value set with all codes used for the expected family types.

Laterality Information

Laterality Information

Location Information

Location Information

MeSH Terms

Example terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Ontology

Research Data Access Codes

Enumerated list of access codes such as dbGaP consent codes among others.

Research Data Access Type Codes

Enumerated list of access type codes such as 'Open Access', 'Registered Access' and 'Controlled Access'

Study Name Type

Some common types of study 'names'.

Study Personnel Role

Roles associated with study personnel.

Type of Condition

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Adaptor trimmed options

Adaptor trimmed options

Assay strategy options

Assay strategy options

Assertion of Condition Codes

Code System for assertion of condition presence

Collection Type

Enumerated list of collection types

Elements of Component

Slicing for elements of component

Enumerations for how DOB was constructed

Enumerations for how DOB was constructed

Hash Types Code System

Algorithm used to calculate the hash (and size, where applicable)

Library prep options

Library prep options

Library selection options

Library selection options


Codes that would apply to NCPI projects

NCPI Family Types CodeSystem

CodeSystem for Types of Families

NCPI Metadata slices

NCPI Metadata slices

Platform instrument options

Platform instrument options

Reference genome examples

Reference genome examples

Related File Type Code System

Explains the relationship of this file to the file of reference

Research Data Access Codes

Enumerated list of access codes such as dbGaP consent codes among others.

Research Data Access Type Codes

Enumerated list of access type codes such as 'Open Access', 'Registered Access' and 'Controlled Access'

Sample availability for Sample and Aliquot modules

Sample availability for Sample and Aliquot modules

Strandedness options

Strandedness options

Study Name Type

Some common types of study 'names'.

Study Personnel Role

Roles associated with study personnel.

Type of Condition

Code System for type of condition

Workflow tool options

Workflow tool options

Workflow type options

Workflow type options

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

An example family relationship based on data from CBTN

An example family relationship based on data from CBTN.

An example family relationship based on data from CBTN

An example family relationship based on data from CBTN.

An example family relationship based on data from CBTN

An example family relationship based on data from CBTN.

CBTN General Research Use (GRU) Consent DAC

General Research Use (GRU)

CBTN General Research Use (GRU) Consent dbGaP

General Research Use (GRU)

CBTN Operations Lead

CBTN Operations Lead

Children's Brain Tumor Network (CBTN)

Brain tumors are the most common form of cancer in children aged 0-19 in the United States, and are the largest cause of cancer-related deaths. The estimated number of new cases in 2019 is nearly 3,800 and thus brain tumors are a rare disease. Despite their relative rarity, the years of potential life lost due to brain tumors in 2009 was estimated at 47,631 years for children and adolescents aged 0-19 in the United States; this is a disproportionate amount of life lost compared to adult cancers and represents an unrecognized societal threat. There is an urgent need to improve therapies for these children. Most of the high-grade glial and embryonal brain cancers still remain largely incurable despite decades of clinical and laboratory research. Existing non-targeted chemotherapies and radiation, while at times effective, often represent pyrrhic victories, leaving behind life-long health burdens and causing a significant risk of secondary malignancies. NIH funded pediatric brain tumor cohort-based genomic dataset generation efforts have lagged behind other histologies and have yet to be included as part of large-scale sequencing efforts. However, consortia-based initiatives like those supported by the Children's Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) have demonstrated the early potential for clinically annotated genomic cohorts and their utility and interest by both the pediatric cancer and structural birth defect community with more than 130 data access requests for a non-embargoed cohort of tumor/normal whole genomes and paired tumor RNAseq. Indeed more than one quarter of this 800-subject initial sequencing cohort were identified to have birth-defect-associated clinical annotations in their clinical records, however, to our knowledge limited to no trio-based genomics cohort studies exist for any one pediatric brain tumor histology. The project's proposed sequencing cohort defines the largest, clinically annotated pediatric brain tumor cohort study to date and seeks to define the intersection of germline and somatic underpinnings of pediatric brain tumors across a shared developmental context of cancer and structural birth defects.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Represents the Organization for which CHOP PIs are affiliated

Example biospecimen based on data from CBTN

Example biospecimen based on data from CBTN

Example biospecimen based on data from GREGoR

Example biospecimen based on data from GREGoR

Example condition using data from CBTN

Example condition using data from CBTN.

Example condition using data from GREGoR

Example condition using data from GREGoR

Example family member based on data from GREGoR

Example family member based on data from GREGoR.

Example file based on CBTN

Use case of file information from CBTN

Example file based on CBTN

Use case of file information from CBTN

Example file metadata for a BAM-CRAM file from GREGoR

Example file metadata for a BAM-CRAM file from GREGoR

Example file metadata for a FASTQ file

Example file metadata for a FASTQ file

Example mappings based on data from GREGoR

Example mappings based on data from GREGoR

Example patients based on data from CBTN

Example patients based on data from CBTN.

Example patients based on data from CBTN

Example patients based on data from CBTN.

Example patients based on data from GREGoR

Example patients based on data from GREGoR.

Example patients based on data from GREGoR

Example patients based on data from GREGoR.

Example patients based on data from GREGoR

Example patients based on data from GREGoR

Example patients based on data from PCGC

Example patients based on data from PCGC.

Example patients based on data from PCGC

Example patients based on data from PCGC

Example study from GREGoR

Example study from GREGoR

GREGoR General Research Use (GRU) Consent

General Research Use (GRU)

Genomic Summary Results (GSR) Allowed Access

Genomic Summary Results (GSR) Allowed Access

Kids First X01s

Kids First X01s

Participants from the CBTN research study

Participants from the CBTN research study

Participants from the CBTN research study

Participants from the CBTN research study

Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas

Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas

Registered Tier Access

Registered Tier Access

dbGaP PI

dbGaP PI

dbGaP PI, X01 FY 2021

dbGaP PI, X01 FY 2021